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coffee 英語のことわざ・慣用句(ま行)

   あ行   か行   さ行   た行   な行

   は行   ま行   や行   ら行   わ行

 megaphone ブログはじめました 英英辞典入門 〜英語嫌いに効くサプリ〜  new
Japanese English
負けるが勝ち To lose is to win.
馬子にも衣装 Manners and money make a gentleman.
まず隗より始めよ Practice what you preach.
待てば海路の日和あり Everything comes to him who waits.
蒔かぬ種は生えぬ You must sow before you can reap.
三つ子の魂百まで As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
身から出た錆 You have to reap what you have sown.
身の程を知れ Cut your coat according to your cloth.
実を見て木を知れ The tree is known by the fruit.
水が清いと魚は住まない Clear water breeds no fish.
ミイラ取りがミイラになる The biter is sometimes bitten.
無知は幸福 Ignorance is bliss.
昔取った杵柄 You never forget your own trade.
無理が通れば道理が引っ込む Might makes right.
目には目を、歯には歯を An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
目は心の窓 The eye is the window of the soul.
目は口ほどにものを言う The heart's letter is read in the eyes.
門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む A saint's maid quotes Latin.
餅は餅屋 Every man does his own business best.
物は試し You'll never know unless you try.
物には時節 Everything has its time.
元の鞘に収まる Old love is renewed again.


   あ行   か行   さ行   た行   な行

   は行   ま行   や行   ら行   わ行

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